Yngvi is not a louse.


Text of Proposed Resolution:


Whereas:  Yngvi, a literary character, has been accused of a character fault since 1940, and

Whereas:  The characterization is without factual basis, and is only supported by (at best) third-hand hearsay, and

Whereas:  The World Science Fiction Society has the power to officially review and reverse this base accusation, and

Whereas:  The World Science Fiction Society last considered this motion 71 years ago and failed to take appropriate action, and

Whereas:  The concepts of social justice and fairness have evolved over the intervening years, and there is on this day an opportunity to cure this grave injustice, now

Therefore, Be It Resolved That: The World Science Fiction Society, its Convention, and its Business Meeting, do hereby declare that Yngvi is not a louse and do admonish all persons connected in any way, past or present or future, to the fields of Science Fiction and Fantasy to acknowledge same.


Explanation and Background:

This resolution was first proposed by Dr. Milton A. Rothman at Denvention in 1941. We can and should recognize this groundbreaking, but alas failed, effort in social justice and give Dr. Rothman the credit he is due.  The best way to achieve this is to fulfill his dream and restore the good name of Yngvi.

A vital maxim of jurisprudence is that the accused is innocent until proven guilty.  Let's face it: the evidence against Yngvi has always been suspect.  We have condemned Yngvi based on the unsupported hearsay as recited by Sir Harold Shea (and reported by his chroniclers, de Camp and Pratt).  The so-called star accuser of Yngvi was not only a prisoner at the time, but an anonymous prisoner who supposedly had endured unspeakable torment.  In the intervening decades, history should have taught us the unreliability of such testimony.

Mere repetition of the charge does not add veracity.  It only adds propaganda "value."  The initial injustice of painting Yngvi with the brush of lousitude remains.  It is the job of historians to document such injustices — and to repair them when possible — so that society can learn from them and avoid being condemned to repeat them.


It's too late for Yngvi, but it is not too late for our society.  We urge the passage of this resolution, not for Yngvi's sake, but our own.  Yngvi is not a louse.


Proposers:  STUDLY (Stop The Unspeakable: De-Louse Yngvi); members:

          Michael Benveniste, attending member of the 70th World Science Fiction Convention

          Deb Geisler, attending member of the 70th World Science Fiction Convention

          Geri Sullivan, attending member of the 70th World Science Fiction Convention